“I’m agitated and I can’t deal with another thing!”

“I feel like I’m going crazy…maybe even berserk!”

“I’m confused and I don’t know what to do!”

“I’m panic stricken and can barely take a breath.”

Does any of this sound familiar to you? If you’re human and you’ve lived on this planet long enough, chances are you’ve experienced some, if not all of the above at some point in your life!

What do you do when you are at your wit’s end? When life knocks you around with it’s intense moments? Do you have a tool? An on- the- spot practice to help dissipate the energies that steal away your precious life- source energy?

We can often use the breath as a starting point to quiet the mind and release tension.  The cool thing about this is that when we take time to consciously breathe and create space around the moment, we become more mindful of the quality of our presence and life’s affect on us. These moments of mindfulness serve as connection points, helping to anchor us back into our neutral point…our calm center.

But what do you do when life hits you hard, when the wave of emotion is overwhelming, and you feel like you’re being suffocated? What do you do then??


When this happens to me- I practice breathing into my feet… I ground the tension, stress, and intense energies out of my body and into the earth.

How? First, I recognize that I don’t want these intense emotions to “stick” inside me, so I give them way out…and I use my breath to help. It’s a simple, easy, and effective practice.

Here’s how it works:

  1. First acknowledge the emotion/ tension and feel where it is present in the body.

  2. Take a deep breath in as if you’re breathing into that spot. Hold the breath 5-10 sec. holding your awareness on this area and tightening it at the same time.

  3. Relax the area and exhale slowly & gently. Visualize the tension releasing downward thru your legs and feet and into the earth. Ground it down into the earth.

  4. Continue the practice for as long as needed- until you feel a shift.

I encourage you to try this the next time you’re in need of an energy shift! Let me know how it goes!

I’ll expand on this practice in the next post where I’ll offer a tool to help you bring energy back in to fill the space where tension used to live. 




Where is my brain’s “off” button?