“The ELDOA & myofascial stretching have helped me greatly! My back pain became problematic in May 2019, but lately I've had the pleasure and relief of being able to think about and plan for my life, after back pain. Thank you Stacey for helping me get my life back!” S.R.

Have you been living with chronic pain for so long that it’s decreasing your quality of life? Do you believe this is an inevitable part of getting older?

I have had SO many clients come to me over the years with this belief. Yet, when we work on the fundamentals, these clients joyously report that chronic pain is no longer a part of their life:) This leads me to believe that…


The power to shift chronic pain comes when we have a better understanding of the factors that perpetuate it and the tools necessary for unwinding it. These tools include:

  • Movement tools: What tools do you need to get your body in balance structurally? Strength? Stretch? Cardio? Myofascial release? Where do you begin when there has been an injury or chronic pain?

  • Nutrition tools: How is your nutrition affecting your body? What foods increase inflammation? What foods decrease it? What foods support your body’s healing?

  • Stress- management tools: What tools do you have to manage stress? How does stress affect your pain? What is the quality of your breathing? How does breathing affect pain? What is the quality of your sleep? How does lack of sleep affect pain?

  • Mental tools: What chronic thoughts stream thru your mind on a daily basis? How do these thoughts affect your pain? What unconscious beliefs do you hold about yourself and your body? What is your story around your pain and how do you hold onto it? 

  • Emotional tools: How do you store emotion in your body? Where do you store it? How do you process emotion? How does this affect your pain?

By digging deeper, and looking beyond structural misalignment as the driving force behind pain, we have the opportunity to see the bigger picture- the whole human, not simply a body. In turn we create a personalized, multi-faceted approach to unwind chronic pain physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. 

Don’t get me wrong- it’s not that you’ll never experience pain again! If you’re living in a body, you will sense pain at some point, as this is a way the body let’s you know that something needs your attention (sensation is information!). The key, is that you become acquainted with the personalized signals that your body lovingly provides to let you know that it needs your attention. The magic happens when you learn how to respond accordingly and apply the tools in a timely manner…before chronic pain takes hold and injury ensues.

Are you interested in learning how to unwind chronic pain?

Join me in March 2025


Blue Ridge Mountains, NC

This unique retreat is designed for women who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that perpetuate chronic pain and the tools necessary for unwinding it. Combining movement medicine, culinary medicine, functional medicine and somatics, we’ll help you unwind pain thru an understanding of the relationship between fascia, food, stress, emotions, hormones, and your body’s history. 
